Hair Restoration


Hair Restoration Medical Therapy

In recent years, medical research has made tremendous strides in finding solutions for treating men and women with hair loss. The success of any hair loss treatment depends significantly on early intervention. It is critical to start treatment using a clinically tested product such as Rogaine®, Nizoral®, or Propecia® as soon as you notice the signs of hair loss. Talk to our hair loss specialists atxn Center to determine the right treatment for you.

Are You Losing Hair? You Are Not Alone

Did you know that with age, your hair spends less time in the growth phase and more in the resting stage, meaning it will grow slower and not as thick as before? Yes, it's true. That happens to everyone! The biggest problem is that people start realizing that their hair is thinning too late.

Early intervention and treatment are crucial for achieving successful outcomes. Whether you use hair restoration medications as stand-alone treatments, or as a part of a comprehensive approach, the sooner you start, the better the results! You can enjoy fuller, younger-looking hair once again!

What Are the Early Signs of Hair Loss?

It is normal to shed between 50 and 100 hairs each day, meaning that the few hairs you see on your hand or your brush are nothing to cause concern. However, if you start noticing an excessive amount of hair loss during the day, you may be suffering from a condition that will need treatment.

It is essential that you are aware of early signs of hair loss to address them before your condition progresses. The most obvious sign of hair loss is a change in your hairline you will notice when comparing photographs taken a year or two apart. Another sign of hair loss is thinning of all your hair, called diffuse thinning. This type of hair loss affects your entire scalp, rather than specific areas.

Keep an eye out for more hair on your pillow than usual, more strands on your hairbrush or in the drain, and signs of sunburn on your scalp. If you notice any of these symptoms, contact us as soon as possible for early intervention.

Hair Restoration with Formula 82F

Formula 82F is a compounded prescription solution containing the FDA-approved hair growth medications finasteride 0.25% and minoxidil 5%, as well as retinoic acid for enhanced penetration of minoxidil and sebum reduction, a mild low dose anti-inflammatory, oleanolic acid which is a mild anti-androgen, and other beneficial ingredients such as algae extracts without any propylene glycol (a common irritant) at a neutral pH.
New research suggests that topical finasteride can be an effective treatment for hair loss and may reduce the chance of side effects that may occur with oral treatment.
Patients report it is a quick drying, less greasy, less sticky and more powerful alternative to over-the-counter hair growth treatments like Rogaine.
Increases in hair growth can be seen in six to twelve months. Formula 82F can be used in conjunction with PRP, Low Level Laser Therapy as well as oral treatments because it works with a completely different, non-redundant mechanism than the other hair growth therapies mentioned.

Hair Restoration with Rogaine®

Rogaine® is an FDA approved Minoxidil product that has been clinically proven to treat moderate hair loss in men and women. It has been shown to grow up to 25 percent more hair in three months, resulting in longer, fuller, and thicker natural-looking hair. Unlike Propecia®, Rogaine® solutions and foams do not inhibit DHT to stop hair loss, but instead, the active ingredient, Minoxidil, helps to regenerate small hair follicles and to repair damaged hair follicles, stimulating the hair regrowth process. We, at Amarillo Hair Restoration Center, will work with you to determine whether you need to use Rogaine® as a part of a non-surgical hair loss treatment program designed just for you, or if it will benefit you after a hair transplantation procedure.

Hair Restoration with Nizoral®

Nizoral® is a prescription-strength hair loss shampoo treatment that has been shown to help in treating male and female thinning hair and hair loss. It may work as a stand-alone treatment, but is often combined with medications like Propecia® or Rogaine®, or with surgical hair treatment options to achieve the best results. Ketoconazole, the active ingredient in Nizoral®, is a topical fungal treatment has also shown promising results in treating male or female pattern hair loss, otherwise known as androgenetic alopecia. The way it works is by decreasing the production of testosterone, which when converted to the hormone called dihydrotestosterone (DHT), destroys hair follicles resulting in hair loss. With a lower level of testosterone, less DHT is created, leaving your hair follicles healthier, and resulting in healthier and fuller hair.

Hair Restoration with Propecia®

In December 1997, the FDA approved Propecia® (finasteride) for treating male pattern baldness. It is the first drug to have shown promising outcomes in most of the men who used it. Propecia® boasts astounding success due to its ability to inhibit the enzyme that converts testosterone to DHT. When taken daily it can lower DHT levels in the scalp by as much as 60%. This reduction has been shown to stop the progression of hair loss in 86% of men using the drug in clinical trials. 65% of trial participants experienced a substantial increase in hair growth. This prescription medication is considered a logical first step in treating thinning hair for men, well before considering hair restoration surgery. The American Hair Loss Association recommends using Propecia® as the first line of attack for men wanting to treat their male pattern baldness.


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Contact your hair restoration experts at Amarillo Hair Restoration Center to learn more about NeoGraft hair restoration and if it is the right treatment option for you. We are committed to excellence and are here to provide you with the highest level of care and comfort. Schedule your appointment today to enjoy full, natural-looking hair once again!